The Song of the Dance

The song of the Run.

 I danced in the light of the sun

When I was very young

No worries clouded my day

I did not need to have my say

 I danced in the light of the moon

When I grew up too soon

My freedom felt real

No one held my tail

 I danced in the light of the stars

When I thought my dreams

Could reach Mars

 I walk again in the light of the sun

Now I realize there is no life race to run

I sit in the light of the moon


I finished my race too soon

I stand in the light of the stars

No more do I need to see Mars

I look in the eyes of my daughter

See in them life’s light laughter

As I realize I have so much to do

Cos I realize I live in a zoo

 I walk in the light of the stars

Knowing I can never go physically to Mars

Yet all of my days

No longer need haze

To let me be amazed

I sit now in the sun

Know the world was ever so much fun

Now I know there is no more life race run

 I sit in the light of the moon


I finished my race run too soon

 I look in the eyes of my daughter


she has the life laughter

 As I realize I have so much more to do

Teaching her to walk in my shoe

 I walk in the light of the stars

Knowing I can never go physically to mars

And all of my days no longer need haze

To let me be amazed

Now I sit in the fun of the sun

And know that my life work is done

Demici @ February 2009

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