The Lady

The Lady sat in a rocking chair
Closed her eyes and found she was not there
Woke up to a bread and butter tea
Looking out to a very calm sea
Once it was found she was not around
the world encountered sadness abound

No one had time to see the smile on her lips
set when she slipped out of this world
into a world of tranquillity

copyright Demici @ 16 October 2010

Where did you go my little one

Where did you go my little one

Where did you go my son

To the hills of the world you say

To cure the ills of the day

So where are the pills my little one

Where are the pills my son

In the waste of the life you say

As you wonder along life highway

Dream of what never is

And what can never be

For you live in the light of fantasy

The pills in your pocket lay

In the deep of the night you will play

Lost in the belief of the mind

When will you live the life of mankind

Throw the pills away

Empty the bottle too

And see where your knowledge is bound

And live the new life you have found

Come my little one come

Sit in the light of the sun

And see your life work is done.

Copy right @ Demici 9 Aug 2009 at 1:43am

The Song of the Dance

The song of the Run.

 I danced in the light of the sun

When I was very young

No worries clouded my day

I did not need to have my say

 I danced in the light of the moon

When I grew up too soon

My freedom felt real

No one held my tail

 I danced in the light of the stars

When I thought my dreams

Could reach Mars

 I walk again in the light of the sun

Now I realize there is no life race to run

I sit in the light of the moon


I finished my race too soon

I stand in the light of the stars

No more do I need to see Mars

I look in the eyes of my daughter

See in them life’s light laughter

As I realize I have so much to do

Cos I realize I live in a zoo

 I walk in the light of the stars

Knowing I can never go physically to Mars

Yet all of my days

No longer need haze

To let me be amazed

I sit now in the sun

Know the world was ever so much fun

Now I know there is no more life race run

 I sit in the light of the moon


I finished my race run too soon

 I look in the eyes of my daughter


she has the life laughter

 As I realize I have so much more to do

Teaching her to walk in my shoe

 I walk in the light of the stars

Knowing I can never go physically to mars

And all of my days no longer need haze

To let me be amazed

Now I sit in the fun of the sun

And know that my life work is done

Demici @ February 2009

Come my soul

Come my soul and dance

Come my soul and ask

I will walk again with you

And see the day right through

Come my spirit sit

Come my spirit take that little step

I will sit and think of you

The will to see the whole day through

Hear the bells of peace chime

Feel the bells of pain release rhyme

Know they toll for you

And heal your body right though

One two three

Now I see

Four five six

Feel my body they do fix

Seven and eight then back it’s late

Hold your fingers to my frame

Know I my illness cannot name

Dance the lightening conductor

Acting like a conduit

Lift my mind and illness kind

Feel the tide of love sweep through

It is all coming to you

I surrender all my being

So your healing takes my swelling

Holds my soul

And makes me whole

I can feel the love

Come dance with me

I can feel the love

Come be with me

As we fly

We two are free.

Copy right @ Demici 6 May 2009

Written some time in 2008/9 when I was board on a bus or at a meeting.

Musing about things

Don’t hold the dog like that

Please don’t make him wear a hat

What is his collar for

Not to drag him from the door

Don’t grab that cat like that

He will surly want you to scratch

Tickle him under his chin

And he will surly want to come in

Oh my dear what will you do

When you wash that hamster in the loo

He is cold and he is damp

So stop holding your hand like a hamster clamp

When we walk in summer day

We can smell the new mown hay

As we walk in summer sun

We burn like toast are all we done?

Copyright @ Demici 7 June 2009  12:34 AM

Woke up and couldn’t sleep.

My Name is

My name is I want I want

My game is always change

I hold your heart so tightly

And treat your life so lightly

Your mind is my mind

Your way is my way

Stillness is kind

And restlessness is sting entwined

I sit in the middle of your heart

And let the universe pull you apart

I fill with silver and gold

And your life a ransom I hold

Clear your thoughts and still the fears

Then dear child I can still your tears

Let me guide you in your quest

And let me live quietly in your breast

For my name is I want I want

My game is always change

I hold your interest

in my life span hand

I am you your inner land.

Copy right @ Rosemary Sladden (Demici)2009

New life, New day, New way.

Laugh, enjoy your life.

Turn away all self made strife

Stand in love, strength and unity.

Let brother and sister hold each other

Walk together hand in hand

you will then see, ,now and be in the promised land.

It is not physical at this time

It is light, thought, hope.


Each individual who knows the love and power of God

Know this dream

For that is what it is at this time

Dream power

Mankind can allow it to manifest

Visit the Temples of light

Live In the now

Do not be swayed from your knowing

There are those who would hold back the progression

Of the human soul

They create fear put doubt in the mind ear.

Break the will of the weak.

Undermine the creative flow

Of unity

Begun by forefathers when they understood

Each man is a brother to every other

Each sister is a sister to every other

The growth of a human soul is the path we all seek.

It is the road less trodden

There are many who walk that road this day

They are young, strong and know the path they lead the way.

Many have found the way is blocked

The old ways of coping create an effective lock.

As we enter the new age with new ways

Of communicating, of meeting,

It is up to all to answer this new call

Sister and brother create new creed now culture

The soul is in its element there is no block to this enlightenment

Each is the same; love light is the name

We all must give to each other: in order this new life to live. 

Copy right Rosemary Sladden (Demici) @ 15 October 2009


Seagulls fly

In the early morning sky


Empty of tramping feet

Swoop and wheal

Swoop and wheal

Graceful  glide

Each other chide

Black heads

Glider body torso

Donna kebab, chip, pitas

Street  flag stones adorn

Linger s

Last night’s revelry

Show the modern heraldry 

Of Take away rivalry

Swoop peck

Wheal back

Majestic in early morning sun

Clear blue sky

Seagulls fly


Copy right Rosemary Sladden @Saturday, 09 May 2009 at 5:07:19 PM

The Flight of the being healing

Hold your fingers to my frame

Know I my illness cannot name

Dance the lightening conductor

Acting like a conduit

Lift my mind and illness kind

Feel the tide of love sweep through

Is it all coming straight to you

I surrender all my being

So your healing takes my swelling

Holds my soul

And makes me whole

I can feel the love

Come dance with me

I can feel the love

Come be with me

As we fly

We two are free

Copy right Demici @ 13 July 2009 at 22:10