The Sparrow Sat

In judgment I sit in self-love or self-hate

Live in the words of those who stand at my gate

Hold the views of others I choose

And find that I sometimes win more often I lose

Now comes the time that I count to nine

And see that I don’t have to toe your line

Of judgment or being your time on a string

And find that I can let my soul sing

Yes did you see it happen like a bud on a tree

I was that bud that liberated me

I sat in the dew of life love beauty and strife

And saw that I could rebuild my life

Now how did this happen this wondrous thing

It was when I cut those words that sting

Cut them all each one at a time

And found that the ring was only a line

Yes judgement can hold it can keep you small

And then you realize it has no power at all

As that soul tree inside grows it shows the falsity in the reap and sew

Remember that knowledge in seeds can only come from the me the one I know.

We have many depths many twists and turns

And all words from judgment help the way one learns

Now funny thing happened when I no longer heard your voice singing. 

I saw the line counted one to nine then set my freedom bells ringing

So now all I ask is I don’t complete the task

Of building a new set of judgment rules

That aids you /me to lose.

Rosemary Sladden @ 08 Feb 2018

Hideaway in creation

Mind pictures peace place

Physicality grown out of space

Restrictions fly in dormant eye

While mind creation expands time and place

No more restrictions elastic dictaions misplace

Meanings gather speed and hide all misdeed

Moss holds no rolling stone

while man holds wild hand gun

Or yet the lash of the tongue

fed by the spark of an eye

Truth is not a miss-judgment

It is but time spent

living with many points of view

Where one has taken on life’s acceptance hue

No more restrictions

From miss judged dedicatons

I therefore resign my attention

To your suggestion

Abdicate my cogitation and regain my sanity

Dis-own all novelty of new thinking philosophy

Return to the now of daily living physicality

Demici copyright @ 14 February 2022

The time has come

The time has come they said
When tiredness would flood my head
When working nine to five
Would eat my soul alive
When stacking shelves late at night
Just to keep the budget right
Would make me fall apart
And stop my playing the part
Of mother,father, bread winner
Councilor, miricle worker and home maker
I had to stop and look at me
When my head forgot to see
That health and wealth
Do not live on the same shelf
One walks in corporate ways
The other in balmy country days

Copyright Demici @ 13 January 2022

Did you call

To show me as you did how to live.

You can only see what is reveled to you when the light shines upon it.
How many time have I blinked
When I thought I saw you by my sink.
How many years did I cry
When I wanted you to be near by

I see
Nature plays tricks with the light
I feel, think, see, you in the dark 
In the tree bark in the door frame
When I thought I saw diamond
glistening in the ridges, dancing in the hedges.
Thought I heard you call my name
When the wind blew down the chimney stacks.
But no one came

I tried to dry your teary eyes
I did let the wind carry my voice
I was part if that tree bark
Imagination is a fleeting glance
A tool for energy dance
We can only meet where open minds want to know and see more.
Please don’t ever close fascinations door. 
For I will call when you are ready to let go the shroud of fear. 
My little one I am always here. 

Copyright @ Demici 11.45 Thursday 10th October 2019.

Today is

Today is the first day

Today is number one

Today I forget yesterday

Today is when my life is begun

I stand in this place between the two worlds

Half regretting half expecting

Definitely excited and running

For today as I said is the day

When I begin to play

I’m done with yesterday

Tomorrow may not have time to play

I do it right they’ll be no more night

For today will be today

There will always be played

Bubble light energy

healing bubble instant energy

If you are reading or listening to this right now please put your hands on whatever piece of equipment you are using.  Then absorb the light as we send it to you.

Sit upright and imagine you are a puppet on a string or reaching out to the ray of sunlight. Now do the following exercise.

Let the sun shine through your crown (in your imagination if you can’t get to sit in it) and feel that energy going down your spine passing to every cell in your being as it flows. Now let it flow into the earth and then accept the warm loving energy from the earth as it passes in the same way up your body to your crown. Now see yourself in a bubble of light that is able to grow and to contract. As you spread your bubble out take notice of how it fills with the energy you need right now. When you feel like you can bounce on the ceiling pull your bubble in till you feel balanced. (if you feel the bleer of walking in mud. you have moved your bubble too tight so let it out a little) play around with this till you feel balanced and full of life ready to live.

Once you get good at this visualization you can do this in your head, when ever you need to re-energise.

love and light Demici