The sound file below is one that will take about 20 minutes of your time.
Please Find a quiet time where you will not be disturbed. Listen to the music and then just know as you relax that all will be taken care of.
Know that you are loved, know that you are connected, know that the one thing that is for certain is that you must let go of the things you think will happen.
It will not happen the way you imagine it! In fact if you stop dreading and predicting you will be surprised by the way things turn out.
We do not ask you to take the easy way. That is not your path. For if we tell you to do the easy thing you will continue to store up worry about, and feel all that is not what it is! This is because what is does not have an outcome yet! It has not happened yet! The situation is there for sure and it has potential to become anything. If you send love to the event, (what ever it is) and not your mental perceived eventuality you give it the power to be. So send pure love and light to that event so that the potential can become what it needs to be and you will be able to cope with that eventuality as it is part of your on going life path. If you create the potential to become your dreaded, feared, outcome then what you get will be exactly that.
When something is in the now, your thoughts, your life, other people’s way and being, any situation. It is playing at the speed that it has to. Its outcome has not happened yet. And neither has yours. Thus this putting ‘stuff’ into a box confines it. Then yes it has possibility to become what you perceive as it will be in your flow not its own flow. Thus it hurts, causes its self to change in a way that is not as it should be.
The sound file below is to help you relax and let go. To let your self just be in the now the peace of time and space. This then hands your concerns to the creator of all. So as you accept with no expectations so you create a new path for the event and for your own soul. This will give yourself a new door.
Walk in love and light DemiciAud