Being Me
A child of the world
I come from everywhere and no where
Living in a world of change, wonder and mystery.
I am how this world made me.
Copyright Demici @ 21 September 2024
Your blog category
This Meditation provides a place for inner peace and rest.
This is your inner mind. No one is able to enter this place except you. In this place you can take your conscious mind worries and let your subconscious and higher deep subconscious mind clear your thinking and help you to make the changes you want to come into your life. Your body is able to access the Chi of the universe and help heal its self. You can place your worries and questions on the notepad and find answers that come from your spirit mind. It knows what you need to do and how you can deal with whatever you are facing in the physical world. Please set aside about 30 minutes with no distractions and enjoy this time.
This meditation is for the person beginning to learn how to meditate. It will take about half an hour from start to finish. Ten minutes to prepare for this meditation and 20 minutes to follow and enjoy it. Set yourself a time when you can put all distractions to one side. Find a chair that will help you to sit up straight, or sit cross-legged on the floor. This will prevent you from falling asleep. Have ready a notebook and pen to record your experiences each time you do this meditation. Have a light shawl or blanket to cover yourself if you feel cold. You may be thirsty after your meditation so have a glass of water handy.
When you are ready breathe and notice your breath. As you become more relaxed you find your body feels safe and warm. You are now ready to move on to the next step.
You see a path and walk along it. This path takes you to a house that you want to enter. You open the door and immediately in front of you is a well-lit staircase with several landings. You go to the very top of this staircase. The top landing has only one door. There is a hook by the door with a key hanging from it. Lift the key down put it in the lock and turn it. As the door opens you get a wonderful sense of peace, joy, and belonging. As you step into this room you absorb the wonderful feeling. Shut the door behind you and lock it. Put the key on the corresponding hook on the wall. Then look around you.
You can see a fully equipped kitchen space. A window with a stream of light flowing from it onto the back of the most wonderful inviting chair you have ever seen. By the chair is a table with a notepad and pen ready for you to write your thoughts down.
You go to the kitchen and fill the kettle. Look into the cupboards to find a cup and a plate. Look into more cupboards and find lots of tins, jars, and food containers each has a blank label on it. You pick a tin that looks like a tea or coffee tin down from the shelf. As you do this the label starts to print and says ‘rest and recuperation’, now find a tin that looks like a cake or biscuit tin. As you lift it down from the shelf the label says, ‘Food for the soul’. Make the drink and put the food on the plate.
Walk over to the chair, put the cup and plate on the table and sit down. Feel the wonderful energy coming from the window flowing down into your body through the crown of your head. Allow the feeling of peace and rest to flow through the inside of you and all around you. As you eat and drink you begin to feel rested, and at peace with your world.
Now is the time to write your questions on the note pad. They can be hopes, worries, fears, from your physical life. Or questions like ‘Who am I or Why am I here. Or what can I do about…..’. Over time I am sure you will find many questions to ask in this way.
When you have finished your meal and writing your questions. Stand up and go to the window. Looking out of this window you can see all the world. It is beautiful isn’t it? Now look down and see a walled garden that is just as perfect for you as your chair.
Enjoy this view and absorbe the smells, sounds, and colours, that are sent through the open window.
When you are ready turn back to the room and look at the notepad there is an answer to your questions here now. You will remember the answer.
Now clear the room and make it tidy wash up and put away your cup and plate.
Now go to the door that you walked through. Lift the key from the hook. Open the door walk through it. Knowing you now know how to get here so will be able to come when ever you want to. Lock the door and hang the key back on the hook.
Turn to the top of the stairs and walk down them. At the front door you can see your physical Concious world waiting for you. Walk out onto the original path walk along it as you do so you feel yourself beginning to wake up.
Wiggle your fingers, you toes, your legs, your arms and feel the full energy of your body. It feels rested, calm, and ready to go do what ever you were planning. Know that you can come here any time you want to.
With practice this exercise can be accomplished in a second. When ever you need healing.
Have fun and enjoy.
Love light moon and stars Demici.
Copyright @ Demici 12/06/2024 at 13:23
Sitting in a deckchair sinking into white sand.
letting the hot lazy day calm her mind.
Watching the sun sparkle in the sun rays.
Under tall palm trees that strewed dark dry fronds across the sandy correl ground.
Listening to gentil lapping waters as they marched across the tides ebb and flow.
words speak of love, now and for everafter.
Waking up in her favourite palce on the beach, having spent the night watching the stars and the full moon. She thought, "today will be ok."
The bay looked inviting that morning, the world had this ability to creat moods down pat. This morning was no exception. No slow slide from night to day. Just the dark here now and then suddenly gone. This instantinious change had happened.
In this cool air, she sat here between the rocks, the sea, the sand and the water. Feeling the warm of the day begin to chase the cold of the night away like some
The bridge is to be closed this night. Those in the light will stay in the living and status-quo has been held. The last struggle of the last union has been won. Remaining is man’s choice. The angels don’t have a voice but the will of each man’s heart has been given the energy of 5.
Christ light in the middle. On either side to the right the Red Path, and to the left the Buddhist light. The energy of the universe is in alignment with the outer worlds of long-forgotten matter. The ball of light you see is of the world beyond; before the time of fracture. The time of fracture must not happen this time; If the world and the human soul can survive this epoch, and build a new timeline of living together and working together. The line for the future will be steady. We have held the timeline steady before holding the hearts of the human souls with the light of the epoch. In this joint way, we show you the how and why of life. This writing was given to me on the 7th of November 2019. I wrote it on the back of a newspaper when I went to the healing service at Monkwearmouth Spiritualist Church. The following has been added as I am posting this piece in my new rescued blog post on the 4th of June 2024 at 22:06 It is now that the collective called the human soul must stand together and become the light bearers of this new age. both those in the light energy of the unseen and those in the solid energy of the physical dimensions of energy timelines. Life can continue because the old ways of the raw negative individual soul having to fight for survival have been healed. New ways will be found and new lights will shine. Here there is much excitement from our world to your world. Here we will help you to walk forward in the discovery of life. Souls will continue to feel the pain of isolation and the learning from adversity. This is the continuum of all living on the planet Earth. The purpose of the development of the human soul is to learn, understand, and grow in both knowledge and compassion. This is the way of the Aquarian the builders of humanitarian societies. The understanding of togetherness is in the children with love in their hearts. It is in their way of thinking and can be seen in their impatience. Because this time of the gathering of the final changes they suffer in ways that hold choices. These choices are the reason they are here and the making of them will be based upon their being trapped in the old ways that are still running society. That is still isolating physically all matter into labelled categories. As the world grows into the new epoch this division and the need to label to keep individual sanity will dissipate. New structures and new laws will serve all as the realization of the need to nurture this planet grows. My channel asks when will the dragon stop waving his tail. Soon child very soon. We will be always by your side and all who leave this energy will be met and helped to live in the energy of the invisible light. This is now the work of the Angels. Their work is almost done as the light and heart of all new beings of human light hold the energy of the Angelic forces within their beings. I am your honoured servant Paul. I hope to speak with you all again soon.
Two Cassette decks playing together.
The day I first knew spirit could manipulate Energy to make electrical equipment do things it is not designed to do.
I was a developing healer and I attended the healing service at Castleford Spiritualists Church on Lower Oxford Street Castleford.
This particular day the healers outnumbered the people who came for healing. So I offered to sit on a healing chair and receive healing instead of giving it. The healing service always had music playing quietly in the background. They used a double cassette player radiogram to play the cassettes. Only one side of the double cassette deck tape was players had a cassette in it and was the one that was playing. When I sat on the chair in the church the healer put their hands on my shoulder. I soon relaxed and then I suddenly became aware of the music but someone was talking at the same time. It was a man’s voice answering my questions about things that I had been asking about. The man who spoke was telling me that all my questions would be answered in time and my novice nun guide was talking to me at the same time. I could also hear music coming from both the tape decks as well as the voices. This was something I was used to when I was meditating and receiving healing. However this time the other people in the room could also hear the music playing from one of the tape decks and the voices speaking through the other tape. When the healer had finished the healing and my guides had stopped talking to me we all went to look at the machine. Yes sure enough there was only one tape in one of the tape decks the other one was empty. The wheels were spinning. Very strange!!
We have many life influences going on in our lives that we take on board and then they cause us to make decisions that help us or dis-able us.
If you spent most of your life hitting dead ends. That is setting goals that turn into what you perceive as failures. Or what other people perceive as failures. Look at what you learned. Even if it was don’t go there again it was a lesson well learned. Wasn’t it?
If you constantly set your goals based on other peoples expectations and beliefs you will fail because you did not put you in the middle of your decisions. Did you?
So now you are here reading this do yourself a favor. Do you respect yourself? Do you even like yourself?
If the answer to this question is don’t know then time is right for you to examine this and see what you can do about it.
Come back to the blog for the next lesson.
Love and light Demici
Hi all my wonderful Empaths out there.
I want to talk to all the empaths out there who are feeling afraid and misunderstand the feelings that they are getting.
Our vibrations have been changing over the past 10 years and many of us have been through a lot of turmoil through this time. Some of this has been wonderful and some of it has been the opposite.
The law of concentrated attention says that when we concentrate on an idea that idea often becomes reality. It is much like I expect my child to be a nuisance when I least need it. So the child plays up at that very time. I expect the boss to find out that I slipped away from work 2 minutes early and know he will pull me up for it. Well he does because you made your energy come to his attention!
So if you Expect the worst to happen it will and if you Expect the good to happen it will. You see you are feeling for. What? The idea you are looking for. As you probably have found out the law of ying and yang says that everything has an opposite. This opposite stuff and the tendency to concentrate on the negative brings about a time space feel thing that makes us think of whatever we believe.
So you learn through experience and you are by now screaming at me, “But I trusted this or that and I got a wave of negative stuff thrown at me.” Well yes you did. And yes you will again if you do it the same way.
Did you look for the lesson that the old past happening gave you? For many years I did not understand this concept that Nothing Happens without a reason. I put the pebble in the pond and now I receive back what I put in. Putting fear into that pond sends out fear and so when it hits the edges of the pond the rings of water return to the place where the pebble fell, (Me). The energy did not change it just hit the banks of the pond and then returned. So now I receive my own fear.
So it is that when you send out fear to another human being you get it mirrored back at you. In this case it can be changed energy re-charged by the human soul with their own fear or charged with love so that you only get a little bit of your own energy back and a load of their love.
You have heard of the saying as we think so we are? This is the principle I am talking about. First talked about by Rene Descartes he put it as “I think therefore I am”. This is so true. It is the way we look at the world from our own view point that makes life so difficult. Yet we cannot fully put ourselves into another’s shoes can we? But if we can look at any given situation and ask self what would you do differently if you were wearing the other’s shoes then we may get to half way to meeting minds that can work together and walk this life in the knowledge that we are all the same.
We each have red blood, we all need food and water to keep our bodies in good shape. We all feel and are emotional beings so how can you hurt someone who is the same as you? Walk in understanding that you cannot and will not make the other persons choices but can and will give them the space to be them as you will take your own space in the world that is such a small ball and we must let it support all of us.
The next negative emotion that harms us is that of greed. This is the subject of the next video and the next blog.
Thank you for listening.
Love and light Demici
The way is long and the road can be lost
The night is dark and the road can be forgotten
The woods are beautiful and the road can be distracted
The mountains are rugged and the road can fall away
The meadow is wide and the road can meander
The sea cliffs are high and the road can reach the sky
The way is life the road is the love, feelings, emotions is all of life
Lessons are learn in the way of the strong
Lessons are learned in the way you walk along
The way is long and road can be lost
The night is dark and the road can be forgotten
Remember the time when you lost your way
Remember the time when you had to say
Goodbye my friend I’ll send you on your way
Emotions are strong but you walked along
You sang in the valley so beautiful
The woods are beautiful and the life can be distracting
You lost your way you found the way you made your way today
copyright Demici @ 2 Aug 2015