Being Me
A child of the world
I come from everywhere and no where
Living in a world of change, wonder and mystery.
I am how this world made me.
Copyright Demici @ 21 September 2024
I had a monkey once
we called him Tiddler
He stayed with us for only one day
then we had to give him away
you see he was rescued by the ship’s chief engineer
who could not bear
what he did see
a little African grass monkey tide to a tree
pulling on a rope but could not get free
a woman kept him captive on this rope
He sat all alone looking lost with no life hope
So the chief engineer brought him on board my father’s ship
But ship’s company said little Tiddler monkey was not hip
They all said he had to leave the ship
Mother said he could come home with me
I thought we could share our tea
Now I must say
that day
our home was not quite right for monkey
who definitely wanted to be free
His stay with us lasted only one day and one night
the mess he wreaked was such a devastating sight
Mother said he had to go
Where? at that time she did not know
we put him into a cat travel cage
He flew into such a rage
jumping up and down
then turning round and round
Mother made a telephone call or two
Then said she now knew what to do
we were to take him to the vet
to find a new life the best yet
he would go for a lifelong sleep
my heart and eye began to weep
for this little bundle of skin and bone
with feet and hands that looked like my own
we ended up in the veterinary office
where the vet was no monkey novice
He said ‘Oh just what I wanted to find
To add to this little zoo of mine!’
My tears changed two happy smiles
I felt I could hop skip and jump for miles
especially when I got back to school
I found something wonderful and cool
my classroom friend was the vet’s daughter!
We shared lots of laughter
When she told me every day
about this monkey and his play
he grew into a handsome chap
specially when she dressed him in a fine coat and hat
He grew up became true to his wild state
He just had to escape
his cage, his garden, his monkey pen
nothing could hold him in
So they changed his name
because of this game
to escape artist
That was the last I heard of Tiddles
my African grass monkey
now if you find him any day
remember he likes to play
run away
Copyright @ Demici @ September 21 2024