Recipies for life

We have many life influences going on in our lives that we take on board and then they cause us to make decisions that help us or dis-able us.

If you spent most of your life hitting dead ends.  That is setting goals that turn into what you perceive as failures.  Or what other people perceive as failures.  Look at what you learned.  Even if it was don’t go there again it was a lesson well learned.  Wasn’t it?

If you constantly set your goals based on other peoples expectations and beliefs you will fail because you did not put you in the middle of your decisions.  Did you?

So  now you are here reading this do yourself a favor.  Do you respect yourself?  Do you even like yourself?

If the answer to this question is don’t know then time is right for you to examine this and see what you can do about it.

Come back to the blog for the next lesson.

Love and light Demici

When Life is Easy

When life is easy
Rest a while
Stop, look, listen
Read a book!

Take the time to find the line
That you have may be lost
Sit enjoy the sun’s hot ray
Get ready to face a new day

When life is hard
Know that this is the card
Of your learning
Of your yearning
Grit your teeth
And grow the right way
To sit enjoy the sun’s hot ray
That dawns on this new day

Look back no more
Close the door
To your anguish
Do not languish
In the twilight
Of your winter’s night
Walk tall through tomorrow’s gate
So you no more have to wait
So you can sit in the sun’s hot ray
Of this your brand new day.

Copy right @ Demici
Monday, 28 February 2011

Tap meditation /visualization for pain relief

he brain is a wonderful thing and this mediation is one I use to teach my brain to control the pain that I feel so that I can control it.  I have used it successfully for the past 10 years along with the pain medication that the doctor has prescribed for me.  You may have to follow the meditation several times till your mind has unconsciously absorbed it and memorised it.  Then all you have to do is think Tap.