Bubble light energy

healing bubble instant energy

If you are reading or listening to this right now please put your hands on whatever piece of equipment you are using.  Then absorb the light as we send it to you.

Sit upright and imagine you are a puppet on a string or reaching out to the ray of sunlight. Now do the following exercise.

Let the sun shine through your crown (in your imagination if you can’t get to sit in it) and feel that energy going down your spine passing to every cell in your being as it flows. Now let it flow into the earth and then accept the warm loving energy from the earth as it passes in the same way up your body to your crown. Now see yourself in a bubble of light that is able to grow and to contract. As you spread your bubble out take notice of how it fills with the energy you need right now. When you feel like you can bounce on the ceiling pull your bubble in till you feel balanced. (if you feel the bleer of walking in mud. you have moved your bubble too tight so let it out a little) play around with this till you feel balanced and full of life ready to live.

Once you get good at this visualization you can do this in your head, when ever you need to re-energise.

love and light Demici