The way is long and the road can be lost
The night is dark and the road can be forgotten
The woods are beautiful and the road can be distracted
The mountains are rugged and the road can fall away
The meadow is wide and the road can meander
The sea cliffs are high and the road can reach the sky
The way is life the road is the love, feelings, emotions is all of life
Lessons are learn in the way of the strong
Lessons are learned in the way you walk along
The way is long and road can be lost
The night is dark and the road can be forgotten
Remember the time when you lost your way
Remember the time when you had to say
Goodbye my friend I’ll send you on your way
Emotions are strong but you walked along
You sang in the valley so beautiful
The woods are beautiful and the life can be distracting
You lost your way you found the way you made your way today
copyright Demici @ 2 Aug 2015