Tool to help with grief

Tool to use when dealing with grief and the pain of loss.

I would like to share with you a tool to help with the grief process of losing someone who has died.

I have used this tool over the years quite a few times with people who are going through that awful process of learning to live in this life without the person that they love.

So first of all find a picture of this wonderful soul. Put it in a place where you have to turn to it.

And then talk to the picture.  Share all that you would have shared with them if they had been there in the physical world.  Share the fun of the day, share the worries of the day and share the pain and the anger.  It is perfectly ok to shout at the person and ask them, ‘Why did they leave you?’  They left you because they had to.  But that doesn’t help with the letting go. So they quite understand that you have to be angry.     And when you are doing this in the privacy of your own room and your own time, it is just a form of letting go.  And then share all the joys all your hopes and ask them to help you in some way shape or form.  It is not always your spirit people who are there sending you the help.  They send their requests to the angels and the angels are the ones who actually make things happen and that actually help you.  So don’t feel worried that you are holding your spirit friend back from developing because they actually want to help you to move forward as well because as you move forward so they move forward.

Ok once again get a picture of this wonderful person that you feel you have lost.  Put it in a place where you actually have to physically go and sit down and look at it.  And then share your day with that person share your life as you would have done here.  And over time with this tool things will improve.  I wish you joy I wish you happiness and until such time as you can let go I offer you my hand in friendship so that you may do this thing.  Love and light Demici

Castleford, Castleford, West Yorkshire WF10 5BP, UK

Visit home to heal self and send healing to the earth.

Deep healing for self and world

Before  you start this mediation please put aside at least 30 minutes but longer if you think you will need it.  Remember you can stop and start this sound file when ever you want to.  The music playing in the back ground is called Merliln’s Magic.  You may like to have a drink of water handy too for when you come out of the relaxed state of meditation.

Breath in and out and let the high notes of the music lift you.  Let the low notes take all that is not needed away.  Feel the flow of energy washing through you and into ever cell of your being.  Let it flood every cell in your being with healing light.  As it lights up the new and the needed parts of your being it turns off and washes away all that is not needed.  Feel the joy and let the pain of all flow away.

You find yourself in a garden that you have been in many times before.  You see the one who will accompany you on this journey to the stars.  You embrace and share energy and thoughts with this being of light and love.  Ask as many questions you have of this being.  Take your time and know the answers will stay with you.

Now you are shown a door way.  You open it and walk through it.  You enter an elevator that takes you high up to the star of your home.  As you step out of the elevator you are greeted by those who you love and who love you.  This place is the most peaceful place you have ever been to.  You feel at home here.  Absorb this feeling and let yourself know this is true home for you. It is where you were born a star seed many, many ages ago.  Your friends show you a monitor screen.  They give you food and drink.  You sit in a wonderful chair and watch the pictures that are playing on the monitor screen.  As you watch you see your own life journey flow past.  Not just this one but many life journeys and you see the pattern of growth.  This is your growth over many life times and you can now see the lessons that are learnt and the ones that are given but not understood yet.  Watch, know, feel, let go.  With every high note feel the love shining with every low note let go of all past and present feelings of emotions and pain that are no more needed.

As the video of your whole life being comes to an end.  Your friends come and show you their temple of light.  The place you were first taken to before you set off to visit the universe and come to this life.  You find your place with these beings of light and join as they send the light to the universe and to the Earth.  Watch as their healing requests join the light of the moon, the stars and the sun.  Watch as this light flows with the cosmic winds and through the atmosphere of the earth.  It passes through the clouds.  See it flow into everything here, all the animals, the people, the mountains, the seas, the land.  Watch it go deep, deep into the middle of the earth healing everything that it touches.  Now as you watch the friends say time to return to your life and your world.  You enter the elevator and find that you are back in the garden.  Say goodbye to the guide who went and came back with you.  Feel your senses return to your body and physical conscious mind, knowing you have been healed, knowing that you are safe warm and fully in your consciousness.  Wiggle your fingers and toes and take a sip of water if you have some.  Know you can go back there anytime you want to.

Love and light Demici

this recoding has music playing in the background.

You can purchase The Heart Of Reiki on Amazon,eMusic and other retailers-or check out Merlin’s Magic’s entire catalog and features,and get it directly from their label,at
-Copyright: Inner Worlds Music Inc-

The tape has not music playing in the back ground.