Chitter Chatter.

Chitter chatter all around

In my heavy suit want to jump around

For today the pounds fade away

Slowly slowly a gram a day.

Mix the food by colour tag

Eat them all don’t be a fad

Slowly slowly a gram a day

Watch the pounds fade away

Now I worry what to eat

As the wedding steals my feet

Dance enjoy and today do not toy

Slowly slowly a gram a day

Watch the pounds fade away

Like a bank or savings club

Watch the numbers all add up

Slowly slowly a gram a day

Watch the pounds fade away

Now at last I reach my goal

Taking it all real slow

Hold on steady day by day

Eat the colour tag

Come on now don’t be a fad

No more slowly slowly a gram a day

Watching pounds fade away

But still I eat the colour song

Keep on going very strong

No more pounds to put on.

Now I learnt just what to do

Make my plate two thirds full

Of super free and count the syns

Then no more pounds will creep in.

Slowly slowly day by day

keep those pounds at bay.

Rosemary Sladden.  Copyright @ 2 May 2012